Saturday, October 16, 2010

Move to the back

We've had this bushy plant in the backyard that has gotten out of control.
It was a lot bushier before the rain from Tropical Storm Nicole, which caused some of the branches to snap. We love that this plant's flowers attract large butterflies, bumble bees, and hummingbirds. We don't love how it looks next to the patio.

Chad dug it up...
...and moved it to the back of the yard near the trees, where it could look more "wild."
 Now the area near the patio looks more open!
We will probably take the picket fence down at some point, because you can't see the flowers and plants when you're sitting on the patio. And we'll probably take out the flowers and do something more consistent along the planting bed that is going to look good year round. Can't wait to landscape in the spring!

In another area, we have beautiful hydrangeas off the patio near the house, which I just LOVE!
 However, the hydrangeas appear to have some sort of disease.
Not sure what this is or what's wrong with it, but we'll figure it out and try to fix it. I will have to acquire a green thumb now that we have a house. I've never been particularly good with plants, but our goal is to have everything outside looking good by next spring!

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